Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Choose Choice

This was my response to a blog of an acquaintance of mine who writes on Beliefnet.com. The video is a pro-life message involving President Obama.  

My Comment:

Life is an interesting term. It is defined by many in many different ways. Is your definition of life is when two gametes (reproductive cells) fuse to form another cell? [It's not mine.]  Under that definition, I would suggest that than when a cancer cell invades a healthy cell than that is life. And destruction of cancer is not considered murder. I know this simplified, I am trying to be a little scientific and perhaps a little provocative. I also question the condition under which reproductive processes began. Under duress? I'm still not sure what life is, how it is defined, or if we should define it.

As I walked to work this past Thursday, I passed the services being held at the Verizon Center in Washington D.C. prior to the March for Life. Outside, there were signs that read, "We Choose Life!" My first reaction is to really be introspective into the words of that statement. They choose. Pro-life activists choose. As a believer in humanity, I can not take away another persons right to be and act how they wish. I can not tell a women what to do with her body, her womb, her choice. I can only believe that most true-hearted humans would choose to do what is best for them.

The video ends with "Life, Imagine the Potential."  Who's life? Who's potential?  Those are my questions.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congratulations to Trish and Kahn

So friends of mine Trish and Kahn had their first child yesterday.  Kahn Gregory Peterson II was born and this is my favorite picture.  This family makes me laugh and I wish them the best on their endeavors with KP2.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


First I was there.  It was an amazing feeling to be there.  As I stood on the Mall with my friends and family, I realized that I felt proud. I felt inspired. I felt a little bit of joy. I also felt the pain of my toes freezing.  I was amazed at the good spirits of everyone.  

I also went to the "We are One" Concert at the Lincoln Memorial on Sunday. So me and 2.5 million people bonded this weekend on the mall.  

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Man of the City

So Barack Obama dropped by Ben's Chili Bowl this weekend just as I happened to be approaching the same location on the bus to meet up with Jenn and Martyn.

It was a great experience and probably the closest I will get to the man.  He waved upon exiting and it felt so genuine and I really appreciated him experiencing the city.  Barack Obama will hopefully bring good energy to this city.  This is in contrast to Premier G.W. Bush.  His longest forray into the city lately has been to walk across the lawn to the awaiting Marine One, and hightail it out of the nation's capital.  He detests the capitol and was/is never happy here.  Maybe if he got out met some people, they'd appreciate him a bit more (if that's even possible). 

While the nation dips into the thoughts of despair, I still have hope.  I feel awkwardly insulated from this recession.  Not that I don't worry a bit but I don't feel the pressure of it all.  I hope my insulation will hold true for the continuation of this down and the eventual move back to prosperity.  And still I hope.