Confounded about what to make for the 4th of July party scene, I turned to the freezer and the handy favorite, puff pastry.

And what goes really well with puff pastry, well everything. But this time I turned to nuts. Nutroll to be more exact. It's exactly as it sounds and despite being covered in flour and gooey-ness, I snapped a few photos.
So first the ingredients.

Almonds, check.

Cashews, check.

And of course rum and honey. I also used cinnamon, dark brown sugar, cardamom, clove, and everyone's favorite, butter. I know this is baking, technically, but I didn't measure a thing. And since the puff was pre-made (yes I cheated with good ol' Pepperidge Farms), I was well on my way.
First, I rolled out the puff on a floured cutting board.

I then brushed it with a liberal amount of the rum and honey mixture.
Next I added an equally liberal amount of the brown sugar, cinnamon, cardamom, and clove mixture.

Then the almonds and cashews, that I pulsed for about a minute in my food processor.

Then I put the "roll" in nutroll.

I made sure to butter the puff as I rolled to keep it all together, and to make it that much more buttery.

Then onto a lightly oiled sheet tray.

And into the oven at 400 degrees (F).

So I baked it at 400 for about 20 minutes. I checked after 15, and it needed sometime. In the meantime, I made a really simple icing. Powdered sugar and milk, with a splash of vanilla. Again, no measuring. But you only need a little bit of milk, like a few tablespoons to about 1/4 cup of powdered sugar.
This is the end result.

In retrospect, I would have used more butter on the outside of the roll to give it more of a sheen. But it was tasty.