So I missed a lot of the debates watching the Phillies clinch. My observations were this, McCain was heated. And he had to be; he had to be confrontational. Did it work and will it help him? No. It won't. He does not have the answers to my questions.
I have a friend who will not vote in this election. This person is disenfranchised to politics and the abhorrent feeling it brings to her. I, on the other hand, will vote. I vote because it is my duty to participate in a federal republic. It is my right that was given to me. Being a white male, my demographic was never denied the right to vote. But does not the history of this country's women and minority population struggles to gain suffrage show the importance of voting. To my friend who will not vote, you do matter. If you don't like how politics is played, vote to change it. Choose a representative that believes in change of the political process, that believes in campaign finance reform, that believes your opinion matters. Your vote matters very much on the local level. If you don't like the state of your roads, your schools, your hospitals, the way your money being spent vote for someone who shares your views, directions, desires. Participation is the only way a democracy works. Take a few minutes to read about your choices. Write-in a candidate. Become involved in your local government.
The only way the disenfranchised can achieve something different is to stand up against those who disenfranchise you.
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