Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Seconds among many

If the Earth had formed a year ago, on January 1, life would have appeared on February 26, dinosaurs would have arrived on December 10 to vanish 16 days later, and Homo sapiens would only have showed up very late on December 31. a few minutes later, in less than one minute, man would have drastically altered the fragile balance between land, seas and atmosphere.

This was a quote I saw in Ireland at an art exhibit in St. Stephen's Green.  Makes me ponder my own significance, and makes me contemplate the fragility of life.


Jenn Rogers said...

Great perspective considering your life stress and anxiety at the moment. I am impressed with your ability to be so aware and connected to the "bigger" picture. Definitely not easy to do!

Ali said...

funny timing for this post b/c i just went to the California Academy of Science museum on Wednesday and went to the planetarium where their show is called "Fragile Planet" or "Fragile Earth" (I forget), narrated by Sigourney Weaver. It was so cool, and made this point. We are so tiny in the vastness of the cosmos.
ps. glad you're posting again.

Nick said...

Thanks ladies. I saw this quote in Ireland and it cropped up again on a friend's facebook profile. What a change in stress from last night to today. I can't believe christmas is 5 days away.


Martyn Oliver said...

Nick, bring your blog self back!

Ali said...

where you at, jack?