Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tomato Tart

Jenn and Martyn made this delectable delight for the 4th. I took pictures while waiting for the ride over to the party.

This is how Jenn described the process.

"Rolled out the dough and baked it and sprinkled parm as it came out of the oven. Then we mixed egg whites, ricotta cheese, thyme and spread it over the baked dough. Cut up farmer's market yellow and red tomatoes and spread over the tart and brushed it with olive oil and thyme, salt and pepper and baked until the tomotoes were roasted. Garnished with fresh basil. Yum!"

It was fantastic, even though I only got a few bites.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Holy tomato awesomeness! I've made a similar tart but used just goat cheese for the base with tomatoes on top. Yum!